
John Jani Janardhan | A Aa E Ee | Kannada Rajyotsava Video Song | Chandan Shetty | Arjun Janya

2019-05-06 2 Dailymotion

Watch "A Aa E Ee" Official HD Video Song from "John Jani Janardhan" movie sung by "Chandan Shetty"...Music composed by magical composer "Arjun Janya"...

Download and listen the songs of "John Jani Janardhan" on :
Saavn - goo.gl/oF8mZw
itunes - goo.gl/sRnJ9I
Gaana - goo.gl/bC8wHM
Hungama - goo.gl/kJBOco

Movie - John Jani Janardhan
Song - A Aa E Ee
Singer - Chandan Shetty
Lyrics - Chandan Shetty, Guru Deshpande
Starring - Ajay Rao, Loose Madha Yogi, Darling Krishna, Kamna Singh Ranawat & Others
Music - Arjun Janya
Banner - M R Pictures
Producers - L. Padmanabh,C.N. Shashi Kiran, K. Girish
Director - Guru Deshpande
Music label - Jhankar Music

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